• nybjtp

Cheriwm clorid

  • Heptahydrate cerium clorid (CECL3 · 7H2O) (CAS Rhif 18618-55-8)

    Heptahydrate cerium clorid (CECL3· 7h2O) (CAS Rhif 18618-55-8)

    Heptahydrate cerium clorid (CECL3· 7h2O) is a colorless bulk crystal used in the manufacture of petrochemical catalysts, metal corrosion inhibitors, and also used in the manufacture of cerium metal and other cerium compounds. Mae Cwmni Wonaixi yn wneuthurwr proffesiynol o halwynau daear prin. Gallwn ddarparu cynhyrchion cerium clorid o ansawdd uchel i gwsmeriaid, gan gynnwys heptahydrate cerium clorid, cerium clorid anhydrus.